Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, wellness, style, and being an American living abroad. Hope you find some inspiration!
It seems like I’ve always had a passion for the people and places of the world. Growing up, my mother told me stories of different languages, music, and customs, and I inherited an explorer’s spirit from my grandfather, who emigrated from Norway to America. As soon as I could, I flung myself into the world, searching out the far reaches not only of the world, but also of myself. Along the way, I’ve collected two Bachelor degrees, one Master, learned French and German, and explored over 25 countries.
Right now, I’m using what I’ve discovered (and continuing to learn) in my work with the largest end-to-end travel company in the world. Exploring the world and cultures around
me continues to be a big priority to me (of course!) so I take every chance I get to get out and wander, always on the lookout to discover new places, insights, and snapshots to share with you.
I want to keep following my bliss, and I hope my journey brings you some inspiring moments too! Whether through food, cities, landscapes, or storytelling - from the smallest corners of the world to its most famous showstopppers - I hope you’ll come explore with me!
For collaborations or more information, feel free to contact me.
“A passion for the people and places of the world was ignited.”